Leon: Custom to the Core
Fortress Voted #1 Seating Company by CE Pro 100
Fortress Newsletter – May 2015
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Top 5 Reasons to Spec Leon Profile Series Speakers

Fortress April News… You won’t believe your eyes!
Hembio-SM 2014: Ylvas osannolika radhusbiograf
I hård konkurrens med över hundra tävlingsbidrag tog Ylva Rengart i Upplands Väsby hem totalsegern i Hembio-SM 2014.
Läs mer här: https://www.hembiobutiken.se/blogg/277-ylvas-osannolika-radhusbiograf/
New Procella Website is LIVE!
We’re very pleased to announce that the new and completely upgraded Procella
website is live!
We’ve done a total revision of our site, giving it a very fresh and clean look featuring vastly improved graphics and the new logo. Navigation is much friendlier, additional product images have been added, and most pages are headed with great reviewer and third party quotes. New is a Pro Audio page dedicated to Procella Audio installations in mixing, post-production and cinema facilities. Check it out!
Bring in the Bass: Meet Leon’s A3-IW In-Wall Subwoofer
Leon Speakers Marries Visual Elegance With Aural Beauty: A Q&A with Noah Kaplan for Systems Contractor News
”In the years prior to founding Leon Speakers, Noah Kaplan experimented building everything from handmade guitars to pirate radio station antennas…” Read More